Under the House
29th & 30th October 2024
6pm, 6:30pm, 7pm & 7:30pm
Stansted House, PO9 6DX
£5 per person
Experience the eerie and mysterious atmosphere of the South Undercroft of Stansted House.
Not usually open to the public, the Undercroft is a series of vaulted cellars in the basement of the Mansion. Pass through the archways into dark and scary passageways and tunnels…. once used for storage, these cellars are now home to a horrifying range of beings – all with evil intent!
This event involves a series of scary moving and talking animatronics – we recommend for ages 5+ but with parental discretion advised please. Each session lasts approximately 20 minutes, with the option to visit the Crypt afterwards and purchase a drink.
This event involves a series of scary moving and talking animatronics – we recommend for ages 5+ but as each child is different, parental discretion is advised please.
Via the North Entrance (PO9 6DX – signposted Private & Residential). Approach the black automatic gate and follow signage to park.
Unfortunately this event is not accessible to wheel chairs or anyone unstable on their feet due to the nature of the stone flooring in the Undercroft.