Monthly Midday Chapel Service
First Thursday of the Month (Jan-Oct) at 12.00 noon
.......And join us after for light refreshments.
We would love to see you there!
Contact us on: 023 92412265 or reception@stanstedpark.co.uk
On 16 April 1644, Stansted House was attacked by Parliamentary forces. By the end of the day, the house, built in 1480 on the site of the former hunting lodge, was in ruins. A new house was built some two hundred metres to the north-east in 1688, on the site of the present mansion, which commanded views across the coastal plain to the Solent and over parkland to the East and West.
The ruins of the original House successively became stock sheds, a brewery and a bailiff's house until the Chapel of St Paul was built there by the Reverend Lewis Way in 1807. The Regency building incorporates earlier structures, and is by an unknown architect.
The Chapel you see today has a colourful history and is Grade 1 listed. It was consecrated on 25th January 1819 (the Feast of Conversion of St Paul) by the Bishops of St David's and Gloucester. It contains a unique East window with Christian/Jewish iconography and Hebrew Tablets of the Ten commandments. John Keats attended the consecration service, along with 300 people and like many of them, is rumoured to have stood at the back. He used the Chapel's imagery in his poems The Eve of St Agnes and The Eve of St Mark.
Monthly midday prayers occur on the first Thursday of the month from January to October.
Our Prayer meetings provide a brief pause in the day to spend time with God and is a short service consisting of a psalm, Bible reading and brief reflection, as well as prayers for the House and its community. ​
Easter Sunday - End of September. Sunday, Monday and Tuesday 1pm - 4pm, subject to staff availability.
Please check before travelling if this is a key part of your visit.
Chapel Restoration Works
​This beautiful Chapel now requires extensive attention to restore it's prime decorative features including the iconic East window, gilded columns and delicate paintwork as well as the historic windows and glass.
Previous stages of chapel restoration have formerly been generously supported by the Heritage Lottery Fund. As we move into the next phases of restoration we are looking to fundraise from those who love and enjoy Stansted Park and are able to support the extensive works required to keep the beauty of St Paul's Chapel alive in perpetuity.​ We very much hope that your generosity and kind contributions to this important generational work will enable the Foundation to meet the considerable costs involved.
Any donation, however small is greatly appreciated. If you would like to make a one-off donation or you are able to commit to a monthly donation please click the button below. Thank you.